Working from Home & managing personal space during lock down. Being on the home turf Girish S Jaggi, Account Manager, Genesis BCW throws light on his personal life.

Girish S Jaggi, Account Manager, Genesis BCW

List something you miss the most about working from the office?

Working with my colleagues, heaving a heart to heart conversation with them in person. Enjoying those fun moments at lunch together and hanging out together on Fridays post work.

Are you reading, drawing, writing, learning or anything or just lying around?

I’ve started reading the Amish Triphathi’s Shiva Trilogy. It’s a three part book, and I’ve almost completed the second part. Apart from reading, I’ve also learnt to cook. This week I tried my hand at pasta.

WFH, tell us what are your break time activities??

I experimented with water only fasting for almost 5 days and lost around 3 kgs. I have documented my experience, here is the link –

 What are you planning to do in December 2020?

I was supposed to fly to Vietnam for vacation in April 2020. Believe it or not, but I’ve rescheduled this trip to December 6, 2020. So, I’ll be spending my December exploring the beautiful country.

How are you taking care of your mental wellbeing?

I practice yoga every morning, I have started cooking my own food and adopted healthy eating habits. I also diligently clean my house daily and dedicate an hour daily for reading book.

One activity you will like to recommend everyone.

Meditation. It has helped me a lot this lockdown.

First thing you will do once you are set free.?

I love swimming and I’ve been missing it. The first thing I’ll do once I’m free is go for a nice long swim.